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Displaying items by tag: Romans 15:3

Following further pressure from public protests, Romania’s parliament has agreed to hold a referendum on fighting corruption. An estimated 70,000 people took to the streets last Sunday, the thirteenth consecutive night of anti-government demonstrations. They have accused the government of attempting to water down anti-corruption laws. As reported in Prayer Alert last week, the parliament has already backed down over a planned decree that would have made the crime of abusing power punishable only if the sum exceeded 200,000 lei (£37,600). Prime minister Sorin Grindeanu withdrew the decree more than a week ago, but nightly demonstrations have continued to draw large crowds demanding the resignation of his government, which assumed power last month. On Monday, 310 lawmakers voted in favour of the referendum proposed by the president, Klaus Iohannis. The exact wording of the referendum has not yet been decided, but it is seen as a way to bolster support for the fight against corruption. See also:

Published in Europe
Saturday, 07 January 2017 02:53

Word of the year for 2017

In a topsy-turvy world of surprises, in a perilous world of uncertainty, insecurity and violence, what might be the WORD of the year for 2017? Some have predicted that it could be ’fear’ or possibly ‘hysteria’. Christians must resist this way of thinking. When some of Christ’s frightened disciples woke their sleeping Master as their boat was almost sinking in a storm on the Lake of Galilee, His words to them were, ‘Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?’ In a moment, He had calmed the storm. (Mark 4:35-41)  For Christians the word of the year for 2017 must be ‘hope’, a hope born out of faith in the midst of uncertainty and danger. (Romans 15:3)

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