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Displaying items by tag: Rick Warren

Friday, 24 March 2023 06:18

Rick Warren backs split in Church of England

The Church of England’s qualified decision to bless certain same-sex relationships is harming the witness of the Church, said Californian megachurch pastor and author of The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren. He said he would separate from a denomination over this issue, adding, ‘I believe that gay relationships are not God’s best, and I can make a strong case for that. If we were all gay, none of us would be here - what is the purpose of homosexuality? It can’t ‘pro-create.’’ Warren supports the work of GAFCON, a conservative group of Anglican archbishops and leaders who oppose recent changes to the Church of England’s guidance on sexuality. Warren said, ‘GAFCON believes our leaders have strayed too far from Scripture, it is harming the testimony of the church.’ He added, ‘If you’re harming the testimony of the Church, then the Bible says you should separate from those kinds of Christians.’

Published in British Isles