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Displaying items by tag: Reza Karkah

Friday, 28 February 2020 03:20

Reza's bid for asylum - please pray

Reza Karkah, is an Iranian Christian living in Bradford with his wife Leigh and four-year-old daughter Bonnie. His bid for asylum has been rejected twice and he faces imprisonment, torture and separation from his English wife and child if the Home Office rejects his application again. Having re-launched his bid for asylum in the UK, he has good reason to believe he would be executed by authorities and exposed to vigilante violence if deported to Iran. His case is supported by the Christian Legal Centre and backed by expert witnesses. It exposes extraordinary assumptions made by Home Office officials that Reza, as a Christian convert, if deported to Iran would not face any risk of persecution. This is despite Reza’s Christian baptism alone being enough for him to be punished by death under Sharia Law. Since going public with his story, Reza's family in Iran have received threats on their lives.

Published in British Isles