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Displaying items by tag: Resources and Prayer

Friday, 04 November 2022 04:04

Pakistan: News from Barnabas Aid

‘With smiling faces they are praising God and giving thanks in their trials and sufferings,’ reported a mission worker, describing Christians in the area worst affected by devastating floods in August and September. He was helping to distribute Barnabas-funded food, clean water and practical aid to remote Christian communities where no other aid had reached. Christian farmer, Chand, felt very blessed by God who had provided ‘for His people through His people’. Pray that the joy of the Lord continues to be their strength during these trials. Praise God that Pakistan's Supreme Court has granted bail to three Christians accused of blasphemy. They were charged after distributing Christian literature and posting offensive material online. Pray that they will all now be acquitted or the cases against them dropped and pray for their protection from attack by zealous Muslims.

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