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Displaying items by tag: Red Wednesday

Thursday, 26 November 2020 20:58

Red Wednesday - 25 November

25 November was dedicated to drawing attention to persecuted Christians. A Twitter account advertised the date and invited comments. Archbishop Eamon tweeted on behalf of Catholic News Ireland, ‘Covid-19 restrictions remind us to pray for those who are never free to worship and who are imprisoned for their faith’ Fr Michael J Kane tweeted, ‘Our Church lit up in red to mark Red Wednesday, showing support & solidarity with our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters around the world.’ Dominic Raab tweeted, ‘The UK stands in solidarity with those who suffer for their faith or belief, as we continue to strive for freedom of religion or belief for all. We join churches & landmarks around the world, turning red in support of persecuted Christians everywhere.’ The Carmelite Nuns GB tweeted, ‘Today is #RedWednesday. We pray especially for persecuted Christians throughout the world and for the important work of Aid to the Church in Need.’

Published in British Isles