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Displaying items by tag: Public First

Thursday, 21 September 2023 22:08

Change in attitudes towards school attendance

A recent report conducted by consultancy Public First highlights a ‘seismic shift’ in parental views on daily school attendance since the Covid pandemic. The factors contributing to this shift include the cost of living crisis, increased mental health concerns among students, and a more holistic approach to daily life. The research reveals that before the pandemic daily school attendance was seen as a fundamental aspect of good parenting. However, post-Covid, parents no longer view it in the same light, considering school attendance as one of several competing options or demands on their child. This shift is exemplified by a significant number of parents taking their children on holiday during term time, which is now considered socially acceptable. The report recommends the abolition of fines for school absences, citing their ineffectiveness in changing parental behaviour and their detrimental impact on school-parent relationships. It also advocates for increased investment in Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) to improve attendance.

Published in British Isles