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Displaying items by tag: Professor Alexis Jay

Thursday, 17 August 2023 21:20

Safeguarding in the Church of England

On 16 August the Future of Church Safeguarding Programme was set up to recommend a model for fully independent safeguarding within the Church of England. Operating independently, it is led by Professor Alexis Jay OBE with her chosen team which excludes anyone employed or previously employed by the Church. Support is provided by Crest Advisory (providing specialist independent support in justice and public safety), and no meetings or business will be conducted on church premises. The team will gather a range of views from survivors of abuse, clergy, church staff, church volunteers, and members of the public to better understand what needs to be improved and what is working well in church safeguarding processes. Respondents can share their views through an online survey or be interviewed in-person up to 31 October. It will be published by 31 December.

Published in British Isles