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Displaying items by tag: Presidents Club

Friday, 26 January 2018 09:48

Charity dinner draws widespread condemnation

The Presidents Club charity dinner on 18 January, for men only, was called the most un-PC event of the year. Its official purpose was to raise money for worthy causes and auction items that included lunch with the British foreign secretary and afternoon tea with the Bank of England governor. But the black tie evening was hosted by women told to wear skimpy black outfits with matching underwear and high heels. The hostesses, who had to be ‘tall, thin and pretty’, received the unwanted attention of being groped, vulgarly harassed and sexually propositioned. The adverse publicity over this event has led to the club promising not to organise any such events in future, and Great Ormond Street hospital is to return all money previously donated by it.

Published in British Isles