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Displaying items by tag: President Cyril Ramaphosa

Cyril Ramaphosa has signed the National Health Insurance (NHI) Act into law, aiming to provide universal health coverage and address the country's two-tier health system. The law seeks to balance a publicly funded sector, which serves 84% of the population and is overburdened, with private insurance access enjoyed by a minority. He hailed the law as a major step towards equality, rejecting the continuation of privileges for a few. The act will gradually reduce the role of private insurance, establish a public fund for free healthcare access, and regulate fees and prices for NHI-funded benefits. Critics argue the law will strain public finances, reduce patient choice, lower care quality, and drive doctors out of the country. Opponents, including the Democratic Alliance and civil society group AfriForum, plan to challenge it in court, claiming it is a vote-seeking ploy before the highly contested May 29 elections. The Health Funders Association noted the law’s gradual implementation, assuring no immediate changes to medical scheme benefits, contributions, or taxes. Supporters, like the NEHAWU labour union, urge full political support to ensure proper funding for the NHI.

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