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Conveyed by Brad Long of Presbyterian Reformed Ministries

The United States of America is at a historic inflection point, transcending the political sphere. From where we stand in the present moment, you and I are in the hour of a great move of God and the hour of the power of great evil being unleashed against it. It is the role of the intercessor to stand in the gap and pray through God’s will for the discipling of the nations.

America is a center of the spiritual battle right now with global consequences for the nations and for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Rejoice with us in the opportunity given by the Holy Spirit to intercessors from all nations to uphold the United States and its leaders during its time of crisis!

A Call to Prayer for the USA

The Lord is calling intercessors to pray for the Holy Spirit to Anoint Key People in the Trump Administration to be the Means of National Healing and the Restoration of the United States of America to the Best of its Founding Principles.

After the prayer call on June 4, 2020, I felt that there was a shift in the heavenlies.  Space has been made for national leaders, called by God for such a time as this, to step into an anointed role, not only to restore the foundations of liberty and equality before God upon which the nation of the United States was founded, but to pray the prophetic dream of Martin Luther King Jr. into fulfilment.  We are invited to intercede for the constraining hand of the Holy Spirit against anarchy at high levels that would destroy that order, and for the emerging move of the Holy Spirit beyond merely restoring order, a move that is sure to bring deep healing to the racial and political divides in the nation. 

I felt the Holy Spirit giving me a break and was very peaceful as I went to sleep.  However, as I was drifting off, the Holy Spirit fell on me and I started to speak in tongues, and over and over again I heard the Lord saying to me, “Your assignment has changed.  Now you are to pray for the team that I am raising up around President Trump who will be anointed to bring healing to the nation.” 

Suggestions for Prayer

Let the Holy Spirit guide you as you pray, but here are some suggestions for prayer:

Pray that President Donald Trump would be, and continue to be, willingly, consciously, and humbly submitted to God and to God’s law.

Pray that a recognition and Biblical fear of the Lord – the knowledge of the Glory of God prophesied in Habakkuk  – would be established as the center of American society.

Pray that all ideologies seeking to dethrone God in the nation – left, right, or center – would be unable to gain any ground in the United States.

Pray for national healing to begin to happen as the United States of America discerns and restores the best principles stated in its founding documents.

Pray that God would continue to raise up truth-tellers – and truth lovers – among the media and those watching and listening in the United States and throughout the world.

Pray that the Word of God would be lifted high within the land and would become central to the hearts and lives of Americans.

Pray for the protection of the United States’ form of government, and pray that the Lord would break the deceptions and thwart the intentions of those who would seek to replace that government with forms of tyranny.

Pray that all who curse would find themselves compelled instead to bless.

Pray that violent attacks against churches and synagogues in the land would come to an end and for there to be reverential respect for houses of worship.

So, I started praying into that, for the Lord to raise up the Aarons who can speak for President Donald Trump into this crisis and through them can come the means for healing the nation. 

Well, the Lord showed me this picture and said, “These are the Aarons!! Pray that they with the President will be anointed to speak, as Aaron spoke for Moses.” 

Suggestions for Prayer

Let the Holy Spirit guide you as you pray, but here are some suggestions for prayer:

Pray for those the Lord has raised to advise and influence President Trump in this work of restoration and national healing, including: Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Ben Carson, William Barr, Mark Meadows, Kayleigh McEnany and others who are called but whose names we do not yet know.

Pray that the Lord would anoint them for the task to which he has called them.

Pray that, like Aaron, they would be able to articulate and communicate well.

Pray that the Lord would bring national healing through His words, that God as with Samuel would “let none of them fall to the ground,” and for His works “laid out before the foundation of the World”.

Brad Long

Presbyterian Reformed Ministries

More: https://discernwith.us/an-urgent-call-to-pray-for-the-united-states-of-america