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Displaying items by tag: Prayers for Parliament

Friday, 28 October 2022 12:29

New PM and government changes

Rishi Sunak is the first British Asian prime minister and the youngest PM for over 200 years. During the past two weeks of Government ups and downs the parliament lunchtime church services continued with the themes ‘A character of enduring faithfulness’ and ‘A character of enduring trust’. These services give opportunities for reflection in the midst of parliamentary uncertainty. We can pray for Rishi Sunak and all parliamentarians based on these themes, asking God to give them abundant grace towards each other. Where there was bickering, may there be forgiveness and peace. May each of them serve with integrity and honesty so that the nation can trust them. Pray that their words and deeds would please God, and should setbacks arise in these difficult times may they have heaven's wisdom to press on and achieve heaven’s objectives for the UK. Ask God to give the strategies needed to move the nations in the right direction.

Published in British Isles