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Displaying items by tag: Prayercast

Friday, 12 May 2023 09:52

Ukraine: hope amidst muddled messages

Whole towns flattened into fields of dirt, brick, and branches. People emerge from underground shelters to search for food and relief supplies. One country sent tanks. One country didn’t. Russia is winning. No, Ukraine is winning. Reports coming out of Ukraine are muddled. Different narratives spotlight different elements of the war. Yet the ones who feel forgotten are the Ukrainian families huddled in basements. The local churches are stepping up with aid to places where news cameras won’t go. The Holy Spirit is sending believers with the hope and help of Jesus Christ. Pray for more Christians to arise as messengers of His hope to the hopeless. Ask God to strengthen the Church as it becomes the hands and feet of Jesus, meeting physical and spiritual needs. Pray for increased opportunities for Ukrainians to discover and follow Christ.

Published in Europe
Friday, 09 September 2022 10:10

Pray for Wales

People in Wales were among the first in the British Isles to become Christian, but today fewer than 50% of Welsh people call themselves Christian. What was once a strong Celtic Church is in significant decline. Many Welsh people are ‘Nones’ - persons with no religious affiliation. We know the Holy Spirit can soften their hearts, convict them of sin and the need for redemption and woo the seekers. Some small, evangelical Welsh churches are sharing the Gospel. May God help these churches to grow. May they answer the call of Christ to be His light in Wales. Pray for bold faith and witness by the remnant of believers among the many small dying churches. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s fire among the mostly faithless youth, igniting a new great Welsh revival. Pray for renewed energy and wisdom for those already at work among growing pockets of believers.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 01 September 2022 21:05

Oman: 91% are unreached

Oman’s economy is heavily dependent on declining oil reserves. It has begun focusing on tourism as a new source of economic growth. Diverse untouched landscapes of coastlines, deserts, and mountains are unique destinations for travellers. The Oman Arab Bank recently sponsored their third tourism forum to train young adults in the tourism industry. While this boosts Oman’s economy, it is also an opportunity for the Gospel to reach five million people who have never heard the good news of Jesus’ love and gift of salvation. Proselytising is illegal, and those in active Christian ministry experience pressure to leave the country. But as tourism increases, creative access to new people groups will become more feasible. Pray for successful expansion of current Oman ministries: relief and water projects, media, literature, business as ministry, urban evangelism, and church planting. As tourism meets the financial needs of Oman, may the Church go forth to meet the spiritual needs.

Published in Worldwide