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Displaying items by tag: Prayer points

Thursday, 16 September 2021 21:22

Nicaragua: prayer points

Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and hurricanes, combined with war, conflict, and political struggles, have turned many in Nicaragua towards hope in Christ. Evangelicals grew from 2% in 1960 to 30% today. Pray for them to be a genuine blessing to their nation. Poverty is both the cause and result of many political troubles. This poverty also shaped Nicaragua’s spirituality. Liberation theology and prosperity gospel play major roles. There have been years of civil war, and Hurricane Mitch destroyed the economy and infrastructure. Economic wisdom and long-term development are needed. Many in the government are becoming believers: pray that they may have the wisdom and determination to be a righteous influence on the nation. 75% of the population is under the age of 30. Because of war, disaster and distorted political ideologies, stable families are rare. Few churches are equipped or committed to meet their needs. Pray for YWAM and others to impact Nicaragua’s youth.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 17 June 2021 21:40

Haiti: points for prayer

Haiti, the western hemisphere’s poorest nation, is often devastated by floods, hurricanes and earthquakes, with poverty making these disasters harsher than in richer countries. Money sent home by Haitians overseas saves lives but does not fill Haiti’s biggest needs: roads, bridges, clinics, schools and electricity. 70% of Haitians are Catholics, but many mingle their Catholicism with voodoo, which is rooted in West African animism. Evangelicals have grown in numbers, through love in action and openly standing against voodoo. Pray for good leaders at every level of society and church who will build the nation rather than loot or exploit it. Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Haiti that will transform lives and communities. A truly renewed Catholic Church would be a great force for good. Pray that Catholics re-centre on simple, personal trust in Christ so that God can build their lives.

Published in Worldwide
Tuesday, 18 July 2017 11:08

Prayer Power Points

We are launching our new 'Prayer Power Points' which are in PowerPoint slide or PDF formats with prayer points that can be downloaded by individuals, churches and groups to use in your prayer meetings. 

We realise that we are all busy so we have done the work for you.  We will produce PowerPoint slides on various topics which we feel God is leading us to pray for. This will help anyone struggling with prayer to know what to pray for.

We will also provide Prayer Power Points after our gatherings so you can join with us in prayer.

Prayer Power Points from our recent Prayershift gathering. Click image below to download PDF and download Powerpoint here.

Its time to turn Sept 2017

Here's our first to download from our recent It is Time! gathering. Click on the image below to download a PDF file and Download powerpoint here.


Published in Resource Library
Wednesday, 01 February 2017 00:11

Pray for Israel’s developing united prayer effort

Report on Day of Prayer January 6, 2017

   Although we were few in number, there was representation from a wide spectrum of the body of Messiah in the land; both from the Arabic speaking sector (Israeli Palestinian and West Bank Palestinian), and from the Hebrew speaking sector including Ethiopian and Russian background brothers and sisters. We experienced a strong sense of the unity of the body. This was foundational for us as we joined our hearts in corporate prayer.

   The day was very productive and we spent the majority of the time in prayer both for the Body of Messiah and the nation. We began with focused prayer based on the prayer points we had identified in our previous meeting. We sought the Lord for additional prayer points that we should be in prayer about.  After identifying further areas for prayer, we prayed into them.  (these additional points are attached)

     At the conclusion of the day, we corporately decided to continue with this initiative. Our desire is to widen the circle of those who come together in this initiative of transformative prayer. The participants were encouraged to recommend this initiative to others. We, the organizers will issue invitations to new participants.

 Evan Thomas and Lisa Loden

Prayer Points:

Prayer for ourselves and the Body of Christ

  1. Need to return to our first love – Revelation 2:1-7
  2. Imbalance between knowledge and obedience
  3. For bridging the “generation gap” between pastors/leaders and the younger generation. (for greater sensitivity to the young people and their needs)
  4. For greater sensitivity to the poverty that exists in the Body of the Messisah
  5. For the congregations to be more relevant in the society
  6. For recognition of the brokenness within the leadership community leading to healing and a willingness to pray with one another.
  7. To identify the root causes if the young people’s disenchantment with the congregations.

Prayer for the nation

  1. Pray into the issues of societal disorder, unhealthy hierarchies that leave the population oppressed or in despair
  2. Pray into the issue of selfishness, sense of entitlement (particularly among young people) leading to rebellion against God.
  3. Need for healthy alternative to media exposure of harmful values and ideologies
  4. For God’s hand on those who inpositions of responsibility in government
  5. To express radical love for government leaders
  6. For the next generation
  7. Romans 13:1

Lisa Loden, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.