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Displaying items by tag: Polish TV

Thursday, 18 January 2024 21:45

Poland: struggle to control state media

Poland's main evening news studio is under heavy police protection amid a fierce battle for control of the country's media landscape. This struggle emerged following elections that ended eight years of populist rule, leading to promises of media balance by the new coalition government led by Donald Tusk. Under the previous right-wing administration, public TV and radio channels had become highly partisan. In December, the culture minister replaced TVP's top management, resulting in the 24-hour news channel being temporarily taken off the air. Opposition figures protested the move, and rival management teams vied for control. While protesters no longer occupied TVP's reception area, security remained tight, and journalists worked from makeshift spaces, including a converted bathroom. TVP Info, the 24-hour channel, and the flagship evening news show, renamed ‘19:30’, eventually returned with a focus on a more inclusive and balanced approach. The new editor, Pawel Pluska, emphasised a shift away from divisive language and pledged to present diverse viewpoints. Despite ongoing protests by some, there is a clear effort to promote media neutrality in Poland, following years of media polarisation during the previous government's rule.

Published in Europe