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Displaying items by tag: Peace Deal

Thursday, 08 February 2024 23:10

Gaza: Israel rejects Hamas’ peace proposals

On 7 February Benjamin Netanyahu rejected Hamas's proposed ceasefire deal, describing their demands as ‘bizarre’. Talks persist, but Israeli officials are vehemently opposed to Hamas's attempt to end the conflict on their terms. The proposed deal aimed for a 45-day ceasefire, followed by exchanges of prisoners and hostages and an Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip. Netanyahu claimed that achieving ‘total victory’ in Gaza within months is possible, and announced preparations for potential Israeli operations in Rafah. His comments are a blow to a sustained push by the US to reach a deal which its top diplomat, Antony Blinken, described as ‘the best path forward’. They also highlighted the fundamental mismatch between the US and Israel's plans for Gaza's future. The immediate challenge now is salvaging talks to facilitate hostage exchanges and a desperately needed humanitarian pause, to allow more aid into Gaza.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 03 September 2020 21:33

Sudan signs peace deal with rebel coalition

Sudan’s government has reached a peace agreement with a coalition of rebel groups from Darfur and other regions in the country. The agreement, which should end a civil war that has raged since 2003 and has killed 300,000 people in Darfur alone, covers land ownership, power-sharing between all parties involved, and the return of people who have fled their homes in the civil war. Rebel forces will be dismantled, but fighters will have the opportunity to join the Sudanese military. There is hope for the future. Todd Nettleton of Voice of the Martyrs says, ‘This agreement should, at least in theory, pave the way for peaceful coexistence within Sudan. Hopefully, a nation that is not focused on fighting against others within its borders can focus instead on development and on moving forward to what we hope will be a civilian rule.’

Published in Praise Reports
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Thursday, 29 August 2019 11:26

Afghanistan and its Future

From an organization working inside the country:

"We need your Prayers urgently for the upcoming presidential elections on 28th September. A complex attack on vice presidential candidate Amrullah Saleh on Sunday, July 28 with at least 30 people dead and was carried out by the Taliban marked to beginning of the presidential election campaign. Saleh is running as vice president with president Ashraf Ghani in the elections and stands for a moderate, anti-Taliban regime. The Taliban and their allies had announced as in previous elections, that they would do all they can to stop or at least seriously disrupt the elections. If God does not intervene it will definitely be again a very violent and deadly election campaign.

Please pray for the right person to be elected. Even the former Taliban support and “butcher of Kabul”, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, launched his election and pledged that religious scholars will be hired in high-level national decision-making levels with his new government.

While the preparations for the next elections are under way, peace negotiations are going on between the US government and leaders of the Taliban. The Trump administration has so far undertaken eight rounds of negotiations with the Taliban. The US president seems to be very eager to get his troops out of Afghanistan and news just came out that the US government is preparing to withdraw thousands of troops from Afghanistan as part of a proposed peace deal with the Taliban. Pray especially for President Trump and his advisors for discernment and for a firm standing in support of the present and new government in Afghanistan.

We and also many local people we spoke to, are disturbed by so called peace negotiations and are concerned and afraid that the US army will abandon Afghanistan and it would fall back again into the hands of the Taliban. It causes a lot of insecurity and uncertainty with the people. Please pray that no dangerous compromises be made and that the foreign armed forces will support the Afghan Army as long as they are need.

Pray also for the teams. Many Team Members have taken a break or are on furlough. Pray for those who bear the extra load and will stay strong and healthy in the heat.

Please pray for continued strengthening and protection of our local brothers and sisters who have remained in the country and that they would be a strong witness to the many desperate people in Afghanistan

Thank you for interceding with us on these key issues.