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Displaying items by tag: PM resigns

Thursday, 20 October 2022 23:37

Prime minister resigns

Plymouth Christian MP Sir Gary Streeter called on the Conservative party to replace Liz Truss, saying the party should ‘swiftly’ change the leader to someone who can gather more respect in the parliamentary party. ‘IWe are witnessing what happens when authority breaks down’, he said. ‘My message to my colleagues is, even if the Archangel Gabriel were to lead us this week and rediscover a sense of teamwork, mutual respect and discipline, you know this is going to happen again and again unless we sort ourselves out.’ Shortly after he said this Liz Truss resigned, saying she could not deliver the mandate on which she was elected. This kickstarts a contest to find the next Tory leader and PM, which should produce a result by 28 October. Tory party members will have a say unless MPs unite around one candidate. Truss's departure after 45 days in office makes her the shortest-serving PM in UK history. See next article, on Conservative chaos.

Published in British Isles