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Displaying items by tag: North Macedonia

Friday, 10 May 2024 05:48

North Macedonia: crucial election votes

On 8 May, North Macedonia held parliamentary and presidential elections. If Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova, from the nationalist VMRO-DPMNE party, wins the presidential election, that could complicate EU accession talks. These talks have been delayed, partly due to a dispute with Greece over the country's name, resolved in 2018 by adding the word 'North’. However, VMRO's leader Hristijan Mickoski refuses to recognise the new name. Bulgaria also opposes the talks until Skopje recognises a tiny Bulgarian minority in the country. If his party wins a majority, Mickoski will likely become prime minister. The elections are seen as critical for determining whether North Macedonia will progress toward the EU or revert to isolation and ethnic conflicts. Opinion polls predict a VMRO victory by a large margin, attributed to dissatisfaction with the current government's handling of economic issues. The country of 1.83 million joined NATO in 2020, but impatience over its slow progress towards EU membership has been growing.

Published in Europe
Friday, 22 March 2019 09:37

North Macedonia: a challenging April election

Macedonia has launched a renaming of the country’s institutions after a deal with Greece that changed its name to North Macedonia. The deal came into effect on 12 February, after ratification by Greece’s parliament. Following the name change of this former Yugoslav republic, voters will elect a new president. Political rancour and ethnic division among political forces remain rife, yet many hope that offers of accession talks by the EU will end political dissension and stalemate. North Macedonia’s main opposition party, VMRO-DPMNE, nominated law professor Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova as its candidate. He is a harsh opponent of the deal with Greece and of the adoption of the law that made Albanian the second official language in the country. The first round of the election will be on 21 April. The governing SDSM party still has to decide on its candidate. See

Published in Europe