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Displaying items by tag: North East Asia

Saturday, 29 February 2020 04:05

NE Asia Prayer Summit Postponed

Prayer Summit 2020

Global Prayer for Northeast Asia

Dear Delegates,

It is with much deliberation and prayerful consideration that the Prayer Summit Organizing Team would
like to announce the CANCELLATION AND POSTPONEMENT of the Prayer Summit 2020 from April 7-9 in
Seoul, Korea.

This comes in view of the COVID-19 outbreak, and the South Korean government has raised the alert to
Level 4, or "serious," advising deep caution and restriction in travels within and out of the country.

The delegates' and volunteers' well-being and safety are of utmost importance as well as being in tune
with how the Lord is steering us. The leaders and organizers convened over the span of a few days to
deliberate and pray, and we felt this was the best call to make at this point.

In light of this cancellation, the Prayer Summit Committee will give a FULL REFUND to all who have
signed up and paid for the conference fee. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and disappointment caused, and thank you for your gracious understanding.

We will soon post the updated dates for the Prayer Summit 2020.

Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. should you have any further inquiries.

In this challenging time, we request for your prayers. We believe that the Lord has much good planned in this situation.

For His Kingdom,
Sarah Lee
Prayer Summit 2020 Organizer
Christian Council of Korea, Co-Chair
Website: www.prayersummit2020.com
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Friday, 31 January 2020 10:25

North East Asia Prayer Summit – 7-9 April 2020

Global Prayer For Northeast Asia

April 7-9, 2020
Seoul, Korea
Olympic Gymnasium Arena (KSPO DOME)

It is with great honor and joy that we invite you to the Prayer Summit 2020 in His blessed name!

It is truly an act of God's grace to have a global prayer gathering in Seoul, Korea at such an hour.

The world is undergoing drastic shifts in every possible way, and the instability in Northeast Asia has made such shifts all the more precarious. For us intercessors, this means one thing - it is time to pray... to seek the Lord, to anticipate His renewing work, and hunger for revival-all with greater desperation.

Every revival was birthed in the place of prayer - the place of seeking His face. And God responding to our seeking is revival. Jesus' first coming ignited what would be an unstoppable blaze of revival sweeping through church history, fanned by His Church eagerly yearning for His Second Coming. Now we stand in the last chapter of this history. We stand as a revival generation called to await and prepare for the greatest revival history will ever witness - the return of the Lord.

So, we gather on April 7-9, 2020 in Seoul, Korea, to set aside three days to cry out in repentance and press in for unity and revival. Would you stand with us in this great privilege of bringing His Kingdom here in Northeast Asia and beyond?

In our concerted prayer, may we witness a new revival be ignited, and may the Triune God alone be glorified.

Steering Committee for Prayer Summit 2020

Contact: +82-70-7826-2020 / +82-10-4089-1069
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.prayersummit2020.com

Wednesday, 01 January 2020 11:40

North East Asia Prayer Summit – 7-9 April 2020

Prayer Summit 2020

Global Prayer for Northeast Asia

Theme: Let the fire fall on the Church, let the Church change the nations

Venue: Olympic Gymnastics Arena, Seoul, Korea

April 7-9, 2020


1. Repentance. It is paramount for believers to recognize that the severe discord we see among nations and within nations is an outgrowth of the grievous division we see within churches and among believers. Let us repent of our ways in which we contributed to the division, of prioritizing ‘factional’ interests over Kingdom interests, of remaining apathetic to God’s mourning heart for the unity of His body.

2. Unity. Strife abounds everywhere we look. North Korea’s nuclear arms issue has precipitated and complicated deep-seated chasms among surrounding nations, and heightening competition among greater powers have put additional strain in the region already clanking with dissonance. Generational rifts seem to turn into gulfs, while disputes along ideological lines show little hope of repair. It is at this point that we gather for united prayer, for it is only the united prayer of believers that can demonstrate the uniting power of God that goes beyond political fault-lines.

3. Revival. Many churches across Northeast Asia are experiencing the reviving fire of the Holy Spirit in the midst of persecution. We are gathering to receive, multiply and fan this fire of the Holy Spirit so that it would spread to more believers, churches, nations and regions. May we see great harvest, and may His Kingdom come!

Prayer Summit 2020 - Strategic Prayer Points

1. Pray that churches and leaders across the world will “hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

2. Pray that there would be true repentance during and through the assembly, that the church would be sanctified.

3. Pray that heavenly strategies and wisdom regarding social issues would be imparted during the assembly.

4. Pray that, as the church prays with those strategies and wisdom in accordance with His will, it would bear real fruit in individuals and nations.

5. Pray that the great reviving work of God would set every person and nation on fire.

6. Pray that this reviving fire will be brought from and taken to peoples and nations, so that the great harvest of souls would be accelerated.

7. Pray that the entire process of preparation and mobilization leading up to the assembly would be Spirit-filled and Spirit-inspired.

For more info and to book, visit the website or please do email us:

Website: www.prayersummit2020.com

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.