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Displaying items by tag: New Leadership part 2

Friday, 19 July 2019 11:05

Intercessor Focus: New Leadership part two

The holiday season is not a time for God’s people to take time off from watching and praying for Holy Spirit anointing to inspire our next Prime Minister. Now is the time for strong, faith-filled prayers, declaring Kingdom plans and purposes for a United Kingdom led by a united government. Pray for God’s will to be done through the men and women He has equipped to lead in a new political season, free from party-political antagonism. Pray for our leaders to carry God’s wisdom into every corner of the Palace of Westminster. May this nation have the people handpicked and hand-prepared by God to step into the next season of parliament. There will be shifts and changes as our new Prime Minister selects his cabinet, may they have God’s anointing for their new responsibilities, and may they fulfil every God given task for blessings at home and abroad. See also article 1 in World Section.

Published in British Isles