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Displaying items by tag: National Prayer Network

He is affectionately called Patrick Annan; He accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as a child and went on to become a powerful intercessor even as a child. Filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, he operated in the gifts of the Holy Spirit especially in Words of Knowledge and Prophecy. I remember him saying that he prayed overnight and the Lord brought his mother back to life from the clutches of death.

He lived a very disciplined life of prayer and bible reading from his teenage days and would spend long hours in personal meditation of the word and prayer. He believed in a lifestyle of prayer, meditation of God's word, and simple, sacrificial living. His second son Jim Elliot died of Malaria in 1994 on the mission field in Jharkhand state, India. Jim was my friend at the university, and played a vital role in my life as a believer. 

Mr. Joshua joined Friends Missionary Prayer Band (FMBP) almost from its inception and started serving in various capacities until he was appointed as General Secretary. With his rich experience and expertise, he was able to steer FMPB to new heights and was instrumental in making FMPB one of the most effective and successful indigenous missionary organizations with the highest number of missionaries serving in the remotest parts of India.

While serving in missions for decades, Patrick had a call and personal visitation from the Lord to unite the larger body of Christ for Prayer and Revival, hence the National Prayer Network was born in 2002.

God connected us supernaturally in the year 2002 after my call from the marketplace to ministry.  I served along with him and the journey took both of us to around 300 plus cities and several nations to unite and trigger the passion of united prayer and revival.

Since 2002 Patrick played a vital role in the International Prayer Council and his presence in the global prayer gathering with his soft speech drew many to intercession. I also remember that he used to spend much time praying for America, which led us to mobilize prayer for the USA.  We travelled several times to this nation visiting many states and encouraging the churches in the USA to pray without ceasing for a great awakening.

It is a sad day for the Christians in India and especially for the prayer movement in India. I lost a spiritual dad and a mentor who recognized the call of God and trusted me to serve along with him in the nations.  

What I am now is what he has invested in my life - not with teaching, but by practice.

Surely there is a celebration in the Heavens,

R. Onassis Jeevaraj

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./ +91-98401-55251.

Co-Founder and Initiator- National Prayer Network,

India National Director, India – GO2020,


Executive Board Member – International Prayer Council (IPC), www.ipcprayer.com

Chief Executive Director – Window International Network (WIN), www.win1040.org

Video obituary from Dr Jason Hubbard, IPC’s Executive Coordinator

Video obituary from Tom Victor, IPC’s Senior Advisor and Exec Team Member

Video obituary from Pastor Austen Ukachi, IPC’s West Africa Regional Director

More: https://efionline.org/2020/06/18/a-tribute-for-mr-patrick-joshua/
