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Displaying items by tag: NUS Vice president

Friday, 13 January 2017 07:15

Israeli involvement in NUS politics?

It has been alleged that Israeli authorities collaborated with student campaigners in an attempt to topple the president of the UK’s National Union of Students (NUS), Malia Bouattia. Al Jazeera reports that the Israeli embassy in Britain and the powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) have sponsored attempts to influence student politics, manipulate NUS elections, and even bring down the current president. NUS vice-president Richard Brooks is seen in undercover filming footage telling a reporter posing as a student that he is the one helping to organise Bouattia’s opponents; however, he has since denied that he has had any contact with the Israeli government. Bouattia, who represents more than four million students, ran on an openly pro-Palestinian platform, and has been criticised in the British media for calling herself anti-Zionist.

Published in British Isles