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Displaying items by tag: Muslims Turning to Christ

Friday, 24 March 2023 06:22

Global: Muslims turning to Christ

Despite birthing many of the earliest Christian churches, the Middle East and North Africa have endured centuries with little or no access to the Gospel. Today 20% of the world has never heard of Jesus Christ, and between 1% and 10% of missionaries work among Muslims. That’s one missionary for every 1 million Muslims. Nevertheless, recent decades have seen an unprecedented Christian witness. More Muslims have become Christians in the last 25 years than in the previous 1,250 years as Jesus has revealed Himself through visions, dreams, and miracles, and 350 ministries work together to disciple new believers; an amazing movement of the Holy Spirit is taking place. Families and marriages are being healed. A divine Spirit of love and freedom is taking root and bringing redemption and hope for the first time. Hundreds of former sheikhs and imams - now Christ followers - are leading many out of Islam, with multiple cases of entire mosques coming to faith in Jesus.

Published in Praise Reports