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Displaying items by tag: More RS Teachers Needed

Friday, 10 March 2023 04:03

More religious studies teachers needed

A new campaign has been launched to encourage more people to become religious studies (RS) teachers as the number of people applying to teach RS is down by a third compared to last year. Now, parliamentarians have joined religious groups in their plea for more applicants. The new campaign, ‘Beyond the Ordinary,’ aims to draw attention to the positives of the role. In the last decade, the Department for Education has missed their annual recruitment targets for the subject nine times. Yet despite concerns about the number of teaching staff, the subject is growing in popularity. Around 30% more students are taking the subject at GCSE level, compared to a decade ago. Politicians are united in the belief that religious education is fundamental to ‘life in modern Britain,’ yet the figures are ‘deeply worrying’ and young people are ‘missing out’.

Published in British Isles