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Displaying items by tag: Missionaries in UK Cities

Friday, 09 August 2019 13:11

Missionaries in London

London City Mission said they love London and are privileged to be working among the rich mixture of ages, cultures and languages sharing the good news of Jesus and the love of God with Londoners. The realities and needs of London are - 34% of people are born outside the UK. 112 homeless people died in 2017. 51% of children live in households below 'Minimum Income Standard’. Across the UK most church outreach events are based around friendship evangelism, so if people have Christian friends they are more likely to have opportunities to hear the gospel than those without Christian friends. People recently arrived in the UK from a country that is closed to the gospel or those with few educational qualifications are much less likely ever to set foot inside a church or even the home of a believer.

Published in British Isles