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Displaying items by tag: Mission Mindset of Palestinian Church

Friday, 02 June 2023 13:09

Palestine: Mission mindset of the Church

2% of Palestinians are Christian, outnumbered and persecuted by their Muslim neighbours, facing marginalisation outside their Palestinian community under occupation. Yet Palestine is a top missionary-sending country, sending out roughly 3,400 missionaries per one million Christians. Jack Sara of Bethlehem Bible College says, ‘Palestinian Christians are very proud of their faith and will share it wherever they are. The situation with occupation and difficulty suffering certainly has made them resilient. This commitment to missions reveals the Gospel heart cultivated in the Palestinian Church and serves as a challenge and encouragement to other believers. The global Church would do a good thing to provide a platform for Palestinian Christians to speak, to come and share experiences and lessons learned from living the Gospel in such hard circumstances. These hard circumstances qualify Palestinian missionaries to connect with people in other countries where life is difficult and offer them the Living Hope of Jesus Christ.’

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