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Displaying items by tag: Mikhaila's mum

Friday, 26 August 2022 10:41

God heals an incurable cancer

Mikhaila’s mother had a rare cancer. The death rate was 100%. Three surgeries failed. A lady who visited her hospital prayed with her, offering hope, and her demeanour changed. She let go of the control she tried to have over the cancer. She was being tube-fed and her faith took over. ‘I’ll be better by our anniversary next month.’ she declared. Mikhaila thought the optimism was due to the morphine. But, a month later, she was better. The 100% cancer fatality rate changed by 100%. No doctor could account for her recovery. Mikhaila and mum discussed the healing proclamation. ‘That’s a weird day and you said it was going to happen a month ago.’ Mikhaila said. ‘How is that possible?’ ‘God’, Mum replied nonchalantly.

Published in Praise Reports