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Displaying items by tag: Macron and EU Division

A civil servant involved in Brexit negotiations, wishing to remain anonymous, said we are all over the place and don’t know what we want and Europe’s negotiators are behaving like total <expletive>. Macron warned European leaders to remain focused on their ‘collective interest’ during Brexit negotiations lest an ‘unfavourable situation’ befall the remaining 27. He said the continent could suffer if individual countries used Brexit to follow their own interests and they must avoid the ‘prisoner’s dilemma’ (a game scenario – two people act for their own gain and both lose out). We are in a critical discussions season. Customs union membership means goods pass freely between countries. Europe sells a lot to the UK, and complicated business supply chains avoid border-related hassles. It would solve the Irish border issue. But membership would not cover services and the UK exports services to Europe. Neither could we do trade deals with countries outside the EU. See also

Published in British Isles