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Displaying items by tag: MSF

The world’s oral cholera vaccine stockpile has run dry, while at least 16 countries face outbreaks. Africa experiences a disproportionately high cholera mortality rate; in three countries the number of cases quadrupled in one year, and 1,600 died. Manufacturers have already allocated upcoming vaccine doses elsewhere until mid-March, with growing demand surpassing supply. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is calling for more manufacturers, and more technical support to help them. The shortage leaves communities unprotected, heightening the risk of preventable cholera deaths. This scarcity echoes past challenges, for example when a temporary one-dose vaccination measure was adopted in 2022. The current outbreaks are exacerbated by humanitarian crises and environmental factors like droughts, floods, and inadequate public infrastructure.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 08 April 2021 21:01

Mozambique: MSF helping thousands

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said they will continue to work around the clock assisting thousands of people evacuated from the shores of Palma after violent attacks by insurgents. At the seaport of Pemba MSF teams have been assisting refugees who are scared, traumatised, hungry and desperate. Project director Luiz Guimaraes said, ‘We have three mobile clinics around Pemba city. We provide for 400 to 450 consultations per day.’ He said that out of fear people fled, walking long distances on foot without food and shelter. Teams are also assisting with water and sanitation, as people need clean water to drink. ‘In this situation, they drink dirty water, and they have a lot of diseases caused by waterborne pathogens.’ He said that they had also implemented mental health services to help people cope with their traumatic experiences. Pray for God’s peace to comfort the refugees.

Published in Worldwide

Wealthy countries should be well-covered with vaccines by the first half of 2021, but low-income countries will still be waiting. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) said that vaccine access is a huge challenge for low- and middle-income countries. Even when people in high-income countries have access to adequate vaccinations, if Covid is still circulating in poorer countries we will not see an end to the pandemic. Oxfam said, ‘What we want to see AstraZeneca and Oxford do now is to commit to an open licence so more vaccine manufacturers can get on board. We think really the power is in their hands to end this epidemic by the end of 2021.’ Both MSF and Oxfam say that both price and supply challenges can be overcome if we look at more systemic issues of patents. We need to open up intellectual property, including patents, so any manufacturer around the world could produce successful products without fearing sanctions.

Published in Worldwide