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Displaying items by tag: Lee Strobel

As a mischievous fourth-grader, Jennifer Fulwiler moved all the Bibles in her school library to the fiction section. Raised on science and Carl Sagan, atheism was her belief system. However, everything changed when she had a baby. Holding her newborn, she realised profound flaws in atheism and felt a transcendent love that contradicted her materialist worldview. The atheist worldview, she found, could justify immoral behaviour from a survival perspective. When she questioned this, fellow atheists dismissed her concerns. After marrying and having a baby, she marvelled at the miracle of life, sensing that her love for her child was more than just a chemical reaction. This realisation eroded her atheism. Seven months later, drawn to a book in a store, she discovered Lee Strobel's 'The Case for Christ'. Expecting to refute it, she was instead convinced by his arguments. Jennifer accepted Jesus and now plants seeds for the Gospel as a Catholic comedian, transformed by her journey from atheism to faith.

Published in Praise Reports