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Displaying items by tag: Laos

Thursday, 10 August 2023 19:56

Laos: an unevangelised nation

Praise God for rapid church growth, even under government restrictions and persecution. Indigenous Laotians lead almost all churches and evangelism efforts. The government recognises two Protestant groups. The largest is the Lao Evangelical Church, where most Christian growth occurs. Growth also happens through ‘underground’ house groups. Over 90% of all trained leaders left Laos in 1975, and most congregations lack a trained pastor. Pray urgently for leaders both in the recognised churches and in the house church networks. Pray that new believers will grow strong in faith and not fall away. The Church suffers through persecution, but recognises that it drives them to prayer and total dependence on God. Much of Laos remains unevangelised. The church's growth is dwarfed by remaining tasks. The Gospel has not easily crossed ethnic barriers. Buddhism and tribal religions blend together. There are 5,000 temples but only 250 church buildings.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 10 February 2023 00:13

Brave Laos evangelists

A Christian Aid worker in Laos visited persecuted Christians in areas where no one would go. His activities challenged the authorities, and they arrested him for ‘illegal movement of religion’. In prison he feared he would die. Prisoners relieved themselves on the floor, and people died of starvation. But he kept praying and thinking about the ministry’s radio messages of encouragement. He was freed after two months. He was told to stop telling people about Christ, but his faith was irrepressible, and he boldly continued. A Laotian lady heard about Christ through the ministry’s radio broadcasts. Her husband and relatives threatened her constantly for converting, but eventually they all accepted Christ. Her home is now a house church for fifty Christians, and her husband is an elder of the church. Elsewhere police came to shut down a new house church which a pastor was dedicating. He continued the dedication despite their threats.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 15 September 2022 22:08

Laos: pray for growth

‘Those who believed Peter were baptised and added to the church - about 3,000 in all’ (Acts 2:41). This passage reminds us that the early Church grew rapidly during a time of persecution. It is happening again in Laos. Small house churches are scattered throughout the country, and believers in Laos face continual persecution. Converts to Christianity are considered betrayers to their community’s Buddhist-Animist traditions. Unregistered house churches are illegal. Communist authorities intensely monitor Christians. Yet, there is reason for hope. While only 2.5% of the 7.4 million population are evangelical, the yearly growth rate of the Church is 6.8%. Most of the house churches in Laos are led by faithful but untrained leaders, but this is not a limitation for a sovereign God. Pray protection over house church leaders who are targets of persecution; pray for believers to safely proclaim the Gospel to their neighbours and persevere with grace.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 26 July 2018 21:42

Laos: dam collapse forces thousands to flee

On 23 July a fault in the structure of a dam in Laos was discovered and alerts went out to evacuate villages downstream as repairs were started, but the dam’s walls broke. Residents took to rooftops and treetops to escape the floodwaters, in a region so remote that it is difficult to get supplies and emergency assistance to them. By 26 July at least 26 people had drowned, 3,000 people still needed rescuing, and 6,000+ were displaced. Pray for the local authorities and army rescue teams trying to save the stranded from water that reached a height of 11.5 metres. Entire homes are underwater. Laos is a notoriously secretive Communist state, and information about the extent of the devastation is only trickling out. Pray for the displaced people coming to terms with the realisation that homes and possessions are washed away or destroyed in a man-made disaster.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 04 August 2017 10:57

Laos: Homeless

‘A’ woke up to the sounds of someone burning her house down. She grabbed her baby son and escaped. This was one of many hardships she had faced since deciding to leave her tribe’s traditional religion and follow Jesus. Laotians believe Christianity is an American religion. When someone in the community becomes a Christian, the community worries that the spirits they worship will be offended, and that the community might also suffer ill-effects as a result. ‘K’, his wife and daughter were recently evicted from their home by their eldest son. ‘K’ is a Christian leader of a church that he planted years ago after moving to the unreached region as a missionary.  ‘K’s son despises his parents’ faith and drank and used drugs. He demanded his inheritance from his father and said that the house should be his portion.  K and his family now live under a roof in a rice field.

Published in Worldwide