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Displaying items by tag: Lambeth Conference

650 Bishops from across the Anglican Communion are debating at the Lambeth Conference if marriage is solely between a man and a woman. The once-a-decade conference ends on 8 August. There is now a three-way choice of voting options around homosexuality being incompatible with scripture. Originally bishops were asked to reaffirm a resolution of the 1998 Conference which considers homosexuality as ‘incompatible with scripture’. Now they can not only affirm it or abstain; they can vote against. This revised outlook has the potential to divide the church. A poll commissioned by the Ozanne Foundation found a clear majority of Anglicans believe that same-sex marriage is right, despite the church’s refusal to permit it. See

Published in British Isles

Justin Welby is encouraging Christians to pray in the lead-up to this gathering of Anglican bishops that only happens once in ten years. He said that the conference theme, 'God's Church for God's World', reminds us that we are called upon to pray for the needs of the world. There are many needs: world peace, global climate crisis, the effects of the pandemic - to name but a few. Please pray that as they meet and consider their shared mission and ministry, that they hear the call from God, and that they call others to make a difference for Christ in the world. The chaplaincy team has developed a prayer guide with contributions by religious communities from across the world. This invites people to devote a day to prayer on Trinity Sunday (12 June) and to continue praying during the summer.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 06 January 2022 21:19

2022 events

The postponed Lambeth Conference should take place this summer, with Anglican bishops and archbishops coming to Canterbury for a once-in-a-decade event. Divides over sexuality indicate that some African bishops will boycott it. Same-sex partners of gay bishops are asked not to attend. Pray for Justin Welby to use Lambeth to foster greater unity. After two years of cancellations, Spring Harvest, New Wine and other Christian festivals plan to go ahead, after suffering huge financial losses. Persecution of religious minorities will be addressed as the UK hosts a global gathering of ambassadors for religious freedom. Pray for good to come from it. Evangelist Franklin Graham’s 2021 UK tour had to be cancelled following complaints that he spoke negatively about homosexuality and Islam. The tour is back on. More protests are to be expected, but Graham promises to speak of God’s love and nothing else.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 30 November 2018 00:34

Lambeth Conference: proclaiming good news

The Archbishop of Canterbury has set out his vision for the next once-in-a-decade meeting of the bishops of the Anglican Communion, in 2020. He said, ‘The world needs the good news of Jesus Christ; it needs to see it in our actions, envy it in our love together, and hear it in confident proclamation of the good news of Jesus.’ He acknowledged the ongoing disagreements over sexuality and the interpretation of Scripture. ‘We have very important differences, but we must show that we respect each other as sisters and brothers in Christ, and that we learn to disagree in a way that demonstrates that we love and value each other. Whatever views we come with, we come to be under the authority of Scripture, and inspired by the Spirit.’ He is currently sending invitations to every active bishop (and spouse) in the Anglican Communion.

Published in British Isles