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Displaying items by tag: Joseph Nee

Friday, 26 August 2022 10:38

9-year-old Olivia shot dead

Joseph Nee, a drug dealer and thief, was being chased by a man with a handgun. As Olivia’s mum opened the door to see what the noise was outside, he ran into the house. Her mother was shot twice as she tried to shut the door, and Olivia was also killed. The gunman ran away. Nee escaped to hospital in a car while Olivia and her mother were left bleeding. Olivia's school teacher said, ‘Olivia was a ray of sunshine and very popular with all her peers’. Nee is stable in hospital and will be returned to prison (he was out on licence to keep the peace). He has no links to the family. In the hunt for the gunman police have been given the same name by two different sources. Police said the investigations into Olivia's death is high-priority, as are the deaths of two other innocent victims this week, Ashley Dale and Sam Rimmer.

Published in British Isles