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Displaying items by tag: Jersey

Christians across Britain have been given a call to action over plans by the channel island of Jersey to legalise assisted dying. Approved in principle by Jersey politicians in 2021, the move would involve allowing some terminally ill adults to die with medical supervision. ‘For Christians listening across the British Isles, this is something that should concern us and to be engaged with’, commented James Somerville-Meikle, a spokesperson for the Catholic Union. Although the island of Jersey is not part of the United Kingdom, it would be the first place in the British Isles to legalise assisted suicide. A public consultation has revealed that people do not want to see medical professionals or care homes forced to facilitate killing patients.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 07 May 2021 10:03

Royal Navy ships withdraw

Two Royal Navy ships are returning home after a protest by French fishermen over post-Brexit rights in Jersey’s territorial waters ended. Sixty French boats had been blockading the port of St Helier, which is why the two warships were deployed. The fishermen said their rights were being unfairly restricted by licences issued under the new system, but after ‘positive’ discussions between the two sides they returned home. The French government expressed the hope that the dispute would be swiftly resolved and that the new trade deal would be fully implemented.  Boris Johnson said he was pleased the situation had been resolved for now, but the Government is still ‘on standby’ if Jersey needs further assistance.

Published in British Isles