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Displaying items by tag: Israeli soldier converted

Thursday, 01 February 2024 20:47

Israeli soldier rejected God then found Jesus

Tamir, an Israeli soldier and atheist, found solace in Jesus after a journey of self-discovery and spiritual questioning. Initially rejecting God, his search for meaning led him to explore various philosophies and arts, but he found no satisfaction. His military service, particularly in the despised military police, intensified his quest. Ironically, his duties led him to rediscover God through the Bible. Challenged by a Christian colleague, Tamir delved into the New Testament, reconciling it with the Old Testament, leading to his conversion to Christianity. He surrendered his life to Jesus as his Lord and Saviour and was born again. Today, Tamir teaches scriptures, both Old and New Testament, in Israel. He says, ‘God defeated me in the battle I challenged him to, but he made me the winner.'

Published in Praise Reports