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Displaying items by tag: Israeli embassy

Thursday, 10 February 2022 21:34

UK rejects Amnesty report against Israel

Amnesty International’s recent report accusing Israel of ‘apartheid’ is ‘a shameful misrepresentation of Israel’s diverse and dynamic society’, said the Israeli embassy in London, describing it as antisemitic. ‘We do not agree with the use of this terminology’, a Foreign Office spokesperson said. The UK has joined other countries who have spoken out against the Amnesty report, calling it ‘false, biased, and antisemitic’ and endangering the safety of Jews around the world. Israel’s foreign ministry said Amnesty UK was ‘corrupted by racism and xenophobia’. Its foreign minister said Amnesty was no longer ‘a respected organisation’, but the opposite. ‘It echoed propaganda without checking the facts. Instead of seeking the truth Amnesty echoes the same lies as terrorist organisations.’ Meanwhile anti-Semitism in 2021 is 'the worst year on record': see

Published in British Isles