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Displaying items by tag: International Justice Mission

Thursday, 17 August 2023 20:47

Global: IJM praise and prayer needs

International Justice Mission (IJM) supported 14-year-old Hana to testify against a serving army officer who sexually assaulted her. Braving a military courtroom and facing the intimidation of officers dressed in army green uniform, Hana won her case. He was jailed for 14 years. Pray that this sentence sends a strong message to the community that abusing children is a crime. Pray for Hana’s healing. Bolivia’s Global Survivor Network uses shadow theatre, songs and presentations to raise awareness about violence against women and children and the problem of victim-blaming. Pray that God can work in the hearts of the people who attended the events so that this crime decreases in Bolivia. In Guatemala, IJM trained 43 judges on trauma-informed and victim-centred approaches that ensure survivors are treated with compassion and dignity. Pray that as justice system providers learn how to interact with and serve victims better, investigations and prosecutions will be more efficient.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 01 July 2022 15:18

Ukraine: Pray for refugees’ protection

The International Justice Mission (IJM) reminds us that the Ukraine conflict has displaced millions of women and children across Europe who are now running out of savings and resources, making them vulnerable to false work offers or accommodation from traffickers. The UN warns that Ukraine’s war is turning into a ‘human trafficking crises’. We need to cry out to God for women and children’s protection, that they would find safe housing and a stable income, to avoid accepting offers from traffickers. Please pray that they would know God's peace and comfort at this time of great difficulty. Pray for the expansion of IJM's anti-trafficking work in Europe. Ukraine’s refugee crisis means they urgently need to expand their anti-trafficking work into more European countries to reach and protect more vulnerable people. Pray for more local churches and European communities to accept and help refugees and may God mightily bless those volunteers already welcoming Ukrainians into their communities.

Published in Europe
Friday, 10 September 2021 04:33

Romania: Catching sex traffickers

Praise God that in Romania the International Justice Mission (IJM) workers have seen many answers to their prayers. Specifically - IJM Romania has been receiving an increase in referrals from law enforcement. Training conducted by IJM has been a great success with positive feedback from police and prosecutor participants. There are continued strong and engaged partnerships between IJM Romania and the Prime Minister's Office, Ministry of Justice, police, prosecution offices and the Anti-Trafficking Agency. IJM Romania and the Orthodox Church have seen good progress in their collaboration. Please continue to pray for their work with churches, including engagement with the Evangelical and Catholic Churches and for more fruit to come from partnerships with public justice agencies.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 12 July 2018 22:02

Global: IJM prayer requests

South Asia IJM are searching for two teenage girls being exploited by a private sex-trafficking network. IJM worked with police for weeks to rescue them, but at the last minute they were moved from the target location. Please pray for a new strategy to find the girls quickly, without tip-offs making the traffickers suspicious. Also, remember the Dominican Republic mother of two sex-trafficking survivors struggling to provide for her five children. The European expat perpetrator in this case is offering her increasingly large sums of money to drop accusations against him, but she refuses every time. May God strengthen her and provide for the family’s needs. Finally, thank God for Kevin Hyland, who leaves the role of UK independent anti-slavery commissioner at IJM this month. The role was created under the Modern Slavery Act of 2015, and his work has been groundbreaking in uniting forces from NGOs, the private sector, and the Government to fight modern slavery. Pray for wisdom in the selection of his replacement. See

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 12 October 2017 11:50

Repair & Restore National Prayer Conference

More people are in slavery today than at any other point in history. Over 45 million men, women and children are locked in slavery as you read this email. But there is hope.

We're inviting you to join us in Saturday 4th November at St. Paul's Hammersmith London for our National Prayer Gathering as we seek to start the biggest move of prayer to end slavery that the UK has ever seen!

Hear Saroeun Sek tell his incredible story of leaving his job as a nightclub DJ to become Director of Legal at IJM when he witnessed the brutality of slavery, with worship from the amazing Christian singer songwriter Lucy Grimble.

We believe in the power of prayer so we're asking you to join us in petitioning our God of justice to act, to join us as we fight to bring light into some of the world's darkest places. God is calling us to rise up -to repair and rebuild what is broken, to bring restoration, and fight to see the end of slavery for good.

The end of slavery requires a move of God's people. That movement starts with us. So sign up, share and join the fight. Thank you for standing with us until all are free.

Book your ticket

Published in WPC World News
Friday, 15 September 2017 10:07

USA / Philippines: two convictions for trafficking

Courts on opposite sides of the USA convicted two men for sexually exploiting children thousands of miles away in the Philippines. Two young survivors flew to California to testify in one of the trials. Last weekend they were home, knowing that their voices had been heard and the men will terrify no more. The FBI shared intelligence with the Philippine National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), and the International Justice Mission supported the follow-up operations in the Philippines. The girls are now 10 and 13 years old. Their families supported having their daughters participate in both the local trial and the trial in California, a significant amount of time and preparation. One of the girls’ mothers explained that she was ‘willing to leave our families at home and testify abroad to fight for justice for what the men from California did to our children.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 20 January 2017 08:40

Global: human trafficking

The International Justice Mission operates in many places around the world, seeking to assist in the conviction of traffickers of adults and children. They currently seek prayer support for teams in Kenya, Uganda, Philippines, Guatemala, Thailand, and Cambodia. Their urgent request today is for a team in South Asia who are seeking to help anti-trafficking police rescue 20+ men from slavery. A recent success story is the conviction of eight men in India, after a three-year trial, for torturing and chopping off the right hands of two innocent men whom they tried to enslave. All eight were sentenced to life imprisonment, the longest sentences ever in an Indian bonded-labour case.

Published in Worldwide