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Displaying items by tag: IT system failures

Friday, 31 May 2024 10:03

NHS computer issues linked to patient harm

IT system failures in the NHS have been linked to three patient deaths and over 100 instances of serious harm, according to a BBC investigation. A Freedom of Information request revealed that 200,000 medical letters went unsent due to computer problems. Nearly half of hospital trusts with electronic patient systems reported problems potentially affecting patient care. Despite a £900m investment in improved systems, many hospitals face significant challenges with their electronic patient record (EPR) systems. A tragic case involves 22-year-old Darnell Smith, whose vital signs were not monitored due to a computer system failure. He died from pneumonia after his care plan was not visible to staff. Coroners have warned of the risks posed by these IT failures, emphasising the need for reliable technology. The Royal College of Emergency Medicine called these findings 'shocking and deeply worrying.' NHS England acknowledges the importance of high-standard EPR systems and is working with trusts to address these issues and ensure patient safety.

Published in British Isles