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Displaying items by tag: Holy Spirit moving

Friday, 14 July 2023 08:42

God moving in Norway

Over several years, ten to fifteen believers gathered to pray once a month in a village prayer house in Norway. In February, a singing evangelist was invited to lead some meetings. He immediately sensed unity and a divine presence. Before long, hundreds were attending, necessitating a move to a larger venue; now over a thousand meet in a sports arena. Whole families are renewed in Christ. People aged 14 to 70 are giving their lives to Him. People are saved, healed and baptised in the Holy Spirit. Is this Scandinavia's equivalent of the Asbury University revival? Or is God doing something completely new?

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 16 February 2023 23:48

USA: a ‘surprising work of God’

‘The choir sang the final chorus, then something happened that defies description. Students didn’t leave, they continued worshipping. I teach theology across the street. When I heard about this I went to the chapel to see for myself. I found hundreds of students singing quietly, praising and praying earnestly for themselves, their neighbours and our world; repenting for sin and interceding for healing, wholeness, peace, and justice. Some were reading and reciting Scripture. Others were standing with arms raised, or clustered in small groups praying. Some were kneeling at the altar rail. Some were lying prostrate, others were talking together, their faces bright with joy. When I returned in the evening they were still worshipping. By Thursday midmorning hundreds were filling the chapel again. Then students began arriving from other universities. Asbury Chapel continues in waves of prayer, worship, and gut-wrenching public confession. It was a significant and spontaneous move of the Spirit. What a phenomena to witness. Come, Holy Spirit.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 11 June 2021 09:48

Holy Spirit moving in Israel

Israel: God’s chosen people in Scripture, the very bloodline of Jesus Christ: yet most Jews in Israel still wait for the Messiah, not realising or recognising that Jesus already came to save them. But the Holy Spirit is moving. A growing number of Jews are recognising Jesus as their Saviour, and Arabs in Israel are also turning to Christ. In fact, following the recent violence, Arab and Jewish Christians gathered at the Gaza fence to pray together!

Published in Praise Reports