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Displaying items by tag: Harvard

Thursday, 07 December 2023 21:24

USA: college heads testify on rising antisemitism

The heads of three top US colleges, including Harvard's president Claudine Gay, have testified before the House of Representatives in response to accusations that their institutions were not doing enough to combat antisemitism on campus. Jewish students at these universities had reported facing antisemitic threats and assaults, particularly due to the conflict in Gaza. The college leaders acknowledged the rising tide of antisemitism and Islamophobia on campuses but highlighted the challenge of balancing freedom of speech and protest with protecting students from hate. A recent survey found that nearly 75% of Jewish college students had experienced some form of antisemitism during the school year. Muslim and pro-Palestinian students also faced challenges, with instances of doxxing (public identification of people without their consent) and bias incidents reported. The House committee questioned the colleges' response to these issues.

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