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Displaying items by tag: Harry Dunn

Thursday, 23 July 2020 21:48

UK / US political immunity rule closed

Harry Dunn died in hospital after his motorbike was involved in a crash outside RAF Croughton, but the driver of the car that hit him was able to claim diplomatic immunity and return to the USA rather than face a court case in the United Kingdom. On 22 July the UK and the US agreed to amend an ‘anomaly’ that allowed the suspect, Anne Sacoolas, to claim diplomatic immunity because she was the wife of a diplomat. She was able to use a ‘secret agreement’ between the two countries even though she has been accused of killing by dangerous driving. Mr Dunn's mother said the change, which is not thought to be retrospective, was a ‘huge step in the right direction’.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 14 May 2020 22:13

Harry Dunn - Interpol now involved

Interpol has issued a red notice to Anne Sacoolas, the wife of a US diplomat, charged with killing Harry Dunn outside a US military base. She is now ‘wanted internationally’, charged with causing death by dangerous driving after her car knocked Harry off his motorbike last year. It is alleged that she was driving on the wrong side of the road. She claimed diplomatic immunity and fled to America. A Home Office extradition request was rejected by the US secretary of state, a move described by Downing Street as a ‘denial of justice’. In an escalation of the British stance, Interpol requested police forces worldwide to locate and provisionally arrest her if she crossed their borders. Pray for Mrs Sacoolas to decide to return to the UK and face the charges.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 21 February 2020 07:36

Driving on wrong side of US air base road

A new video has emerged on social media of a car being driven on the wrong side of the road outside RAF Croughton, near where 19-year-old Harry Dunn died when a car driving on the wrong side of the road hit him. The suspected driver left the UK under diplomatic immunity. US secretary of state Mike Pompeo rejected the UK's request for the driver’s extradition. A joint statement released by the police and the base said that additional provisions are to be introduced, and both parties are doing all that they can to prevent any future harm on the roads in and around the site. Meanwhile Harry Dunn’s family said that the video is evidence that a further tragedy is inevitable. They believe that the police and the US air force are ‘failing to acknowledge that there is a problem’.

Published in British Isles