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Displaying items by tag: Halifax, Environment

After days of wildfires, Halifax City declared a state of emergency and mandatory evacuations were ordered for 16,500 citizens. Prime Minister Trudeau tweeted ‘Nova Scotia’s wildfires are serious. We are ready to provide federal support and assistance.’ Halifax suburb citizens cannot return home until municipal authorities advise. Police are monitoring communities for thefts and suspicious activities. By May 30th, fires covered 43,095 acres, destroyed 200+ homes, and grew to the largest wildfires in Nova Scotia’s history. People who need to leave must bring pets, important documents, medication and food supplies. On June 1st, evacuations continued. People were told to have a bag packed and be ready to go at short notice. Forest technicians ask for patience from tens of thousands of residents awaiting news of their homes. 18,000+ people remain under the Halifax evacuation order. ‘We’ve got more fires than resources to support them. We are prioritising safety and human life ahead of infrastructure’. said the manager of forest protection.

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