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Displaying items by tag: Government Restrictions

Friday, 13 April 2018 04:52

Uzbekistan: Officials bully Baptists

Freedom of religion and belief without state permission is currently prohibited - even though the Uzbekistan constitution legally provides for freedom of religion. Baptists refused to register their congregations with the state, insisting international law states, ‘registration is not necessary to meet for worship.’ Baptists said police ‘watch us, follow us, and threaten us with court cases and fines to stop us attending church’. We are told that, if members continue to share their beliefs with others, criminal cases will be opened against them. In an Urgench court authorities tried to coerce two Baptists to ‘repent and ask for forgiveness’ during their court hearing - then the judge ‘would lessen the punishment.’ They saw TV cameras and realised it was a show trial so they witnessed about their faith instead. They were then fined 100 times the minimum monthly salary. Even an 8-year-old was taken from school without his parents’ permission to face ‘official’ questioning.

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