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Displaying items by tag: Gay people

Friday, 17 March 2017 09:14

USA: bakers refuse to make gay wedding cake

A Christian couple in Oregon were fined $135,000 (£109,000) for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple. Aaron and Melissa Klein, who own a local bakery called Sweet Cakes in Oregon, maintain that they did not refuse to serve the gay customers; they only refused to participate in making a cake for their wedding. They have decided to appeal against the ruling, with First Liberty Institute attorney Hiram Sasser representing them. They said, ‘We have no litmus test for customers. We serve everybody no matter who they are, from every walk of life. That’s part of being open to the public. These two women were in fact return customers.’ The couple cannot discuss the case due to a gag order.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 03 February 2017 09:15

C of E report on same-sex marriage

A new report by the House of Bishops has said that the Church of England should adopt a ‘fresh tone and culture of welcome and support’ for gay people, but that there was little support for changing the Church's teaching that marriage was between one man and one woman. The report said the Church needed to repent of homophobic attitudes. It also said all potential clergy - straight and gay - will be asked about their sexual conduct and lifestyle., The Bishop of Norwich, Graham Jones, felt that present arrangements for asking ordinands and clergy about their relationships and lifestyle are not really working very well. He said, ‘All clergy are asked at their ordination whether they will fashion their lives after the way of Christ. We believe we should revisit how this is explored beforehand, so the same questions are addressed to everyone without distinction.’ But Andrew Foreshaw-Cain, a parish priest in north London who is in a same-sex marriage, told the BBC that the report was ‘a failure of leadership’. He added: ‘The LGBT community is going to be extremely hurt by this. We were asked to trust our leaders. Many of us made ourselves vulnerable during the shared conversations, and none of that has been heard. The bishops have gone ahead and talked as if we didn't take part in it and as if we are not there.’

Published in Europe