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Displaying items by tag: GEM

Friday, 21 June 2019 11:33

France: healing in a foreign land

Greater Europe Mission (GEM) write: ‘We met Malik in a French square where refugees hang out. Originally from Senegal, Malik had travelled through Mali, Algeria, Syria, Italy and then France before we met him. He only had the clothes on his back and whatever was in his backpack. We took him to get some food, but he did not understand our English. When the local pastor translated, Malik’s face lit up in a painful smile. He had a horrible toothache. A few days later we invited him to come along as we visited a Jewish neighborhood. We visited a Jewish bakery owner, and read Isaiah 53 together. Not long after this he prayed a prayer of salvation. Malik being befriended was a picture of disciples making disciples who make disciples. It was the best training Malik could receive after accepting Christ into his life.’

Published in Europe
Friday, 28 September 2018 00:38

Greater Europe Mission UK (GEM UK)

GEM UK is part of a global mission, focused on reaching Europe by multiplying disciples and growing Christ’s Church. They mobilise missionaries from the UK to serve as a catalyst throughout Europe (including the UK) to assist churches in their local vision in planting new communities, encouraging a culture of discipleship multiplication and resourcing them with the many skills their missionaries bring. Their heart is to see cities transformed by Christ and churches working together. GEM currently serves in 25 countries across Europe. In 2019 GEM Global will celebrate 70 years as a mission. A predominately non-Christian Welsh community use the phrase ‘Iaith y Nefoedd’ as a joke. It means 'everyone will speak Welsh in heaven.' The exact translation is 'the language of heaven.' Today GEM reaches the many forgotten Welsh people still using the Welsh language. See also the UK article ‘The Welsh language’.

Published in Europe