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Displaying items by tag: Evo Morales

Anti-government protesters have clashed with supporters of President Luis Arce in Bolivia’s capital La Paz, amid an economic crisis and political power struggle. Former president Evo Morales, once a close ally of Arce, has led a week-long, 220-km ‘March to save Bolivia’, demanding cabinet changes and threatening further protests. He has accused the government of corruption, economic mismanagement, and protecting drug trafficking. Arce and Morales are now vying to lead Bolivia’s long-dominant party Movement Toward Socialism (MAS), ahead of the 2025 presidential election. Their division has sparked street violence, leaving 34 people injured. Morales, seeking a political comeback after his 2019 ousting, has widespread support among poor and indigenous Bolivians, who represent almost half the country’s population. The country’s economy has been hit by dwindling natural gas revenues and lack of investment. It is unclear what will happen next.

Published in Worldwide
Wednesday, 01 January 2020 12:05

Answered Prayers - Bolivia Elections

Our IPC colleague, Yanira Gonzalez received this good news / answered prayers message from Gabo & Shelly Castro who run 'Talita Cumi', one of the orphanages (kids 0-5 yrs) in Cochabamba, Bolivia.  They are part of the Latin America network of Children in Prayer. 

I am so pleased to write with GOOD NEWS!!! 

Things in Bolivia have improved SIGNIFICANTLY!!!  Thank you for praying! 

Evo Morales fled the country and has taken asylum in Mexico.  The constitutionally empowered interim president (Jeanine Añez), has called for new elections (probably in April 2020) and has done a wonderful job at establishing order. 

While there is still protesting and occasional riots (from Evo supporters- wanting him to return to power and pushing to pass a law to give him and all of his highest officials immunity to all criminal charges), the peace has basically been restored. 

Family and staff report that public transportation is functioning normally and that, apart from a slight cost elevation, they are able to access everything they need.  We are SO THANKFUL and so RELIEVED!!

Despite Evo’s plan to remain in power, the people stood together for freedom and for democracy.  I feel honored to have witnessed this incredible historical moment for Bolivia; old men and women pulled out their wooden stools to sit in the streets and support the blockades; young men and women came together to protect the people and freedom for the following generations.  When the police sided with the people and were cut off from the government; the nation came together to protect and provide for them; organizing themselves in each neighborhood to make meals for each of the stations.  When there were threats that the military was going to attack the police force, entire families made massive human barricades around the stations; telling the military that they would have to kill hundreds of unarmed citizens before they got to the police.  

Evo executed his plans, but God’s prevailed!!!

I am so proud of the Bolivian people and the example they now are to so many nations around the world deep in this fight for freedom.

The best part: THE KIDS HAVE NO IDEA!!  While I’m sure they knew something was up; not going to school and dynamite going off just blocks from the front door; the staff did an incredible job of protecting their minds and hearts.  They played games, watched movies, did their school work at home, and had birthday parties. 

I am forever thankful for the tias and their hard work and tangible testimony of Jesus’ love to the children not only in this tumultuous time, but always.

Praise: God for answered prayers – and for this breakthrough that brings a positive window of opportunity for the people of Bolivia. 
Praise: God for the way that the people stood arm in arm – in unity, in support of the police.
Pray: that the Bolivian elections are conducted fairly and democratically.
Pray: that men and women of God will be prompted to stand for election.
Pray: that all the misappropriated assets will be recovered and those involved in corrupt activities will be brought to justice. 

Friday, 23 February 2018 10:14

Bolivia: praying for change

During an altar of public worship last year about 1,200 Bolivians interceded for spiritual change in the nation. On 21 February a local Christian wrote, ‘Across our beloved Bolivia women, men and children took to the streets today, defending our faith and democracy. A majority of the population voted NO to the re-election of Evo Morales who is attempting to become president indefinitely by bribery, propaganda, brute force and using the resources of Bolivia to do so. The church and people of Bolivia continue to say NO to his leftist regime. We say YES to Jesus! Bolivia will NOT be Venezuela, or follow the path of Cuba. Please pray that all violence, revenge, lies, deaths, injustices in every political and social sphere, covenants to the occult, and pacts with nations that misuse our resources to their benefit, but to our economic detriment, are all uncovered.’

Published in Worldwide