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Displaying items by tag: Ethnic War Threats

Friday, 02 June 2023 13:14

Kosovo: Flare-ups intensify

NATO is deploying 700 additional troops to its peacekeeping mission in Northern Kosovo after clashes with local ethnic Serbian protesters left dozens injured on both sides. Majority-Albanian Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008, but neither Serbia nor ethnic Serbians in Northern Kosovo recognize Kosovo’s independence. Tensions often flare over which government is legitimate. 4,000 NATO troops are keeping the peace as an agreement giving local Serbs autonomy was never implemented. Recent elections in Northern Kosovo were boycotted by the ethnic Serb majority and Kosovo won but Serb protesters prevented leaders' access to their offices until riot police and NATO dispersed them, injuring 30 peacekeepers and 50 protesters. Serbia is on alert to defend ethnic Serbs in Kosovo. Belgrade’s Moscow allies blame Kosovo and the West for the crisis. America and the EU have called for de-escalation.

Published in Europe