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Displaying items by tag: El Nino

Heavy flooding in Kenya, after weeks of intense rain and flash floods, has left at least 103 people missing, with 71 confirmed dead. Most of the missing are from Mai Mahiu, near Nairobi, where on 29 April flooding near a railway bridge, caused by a clogged tunnel, caused at least 45 deaths. The country’s president William Ruto has ordered the military to help search and rescue efforts. Nearly 191,000 Kenyans have been displaced by the floods, which are said to have been exacerbated by the effects of El Niño. The government has established 52 displacement camps to provide temporary shelter, but with more rain forecast the situation may worsen. The floods have affected other countries: a week ago, Tanzania’s president said that 155 people had been killed and 200,000 displaced. See

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