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Displaying items by tag: Easter to Pentecost declaration

Thursday, 18 April 2024 22:27

Prepare for Pentecost - return to the cross

A recent online World Prayer Centre team prayer watch meeting turned into a significant altar moment about preparing for Pentecost and returning to the Cross. One of the team reminded us to focus again on the cross after Easter. Another teammate, Diana, said that at another online prayer meeting God prompted her to share ‘re-‘ words. She told us that God had shown her that ‘re’- means Ruach Elohim, or Holy Spirit. We realised that all re- words are life-giving. Then the words started to flow: Refresh, Renew, Rebuild, Restore, Reset, Realign, Relationship, Revival … to name a few! All this happened on the first day after the Jewish New Year, a time of new beginnings. So we urge you to return with us to the place of prayer. Remember the cross and all that Jesus did for us. We invite you to speak out the Easter to Pentecost declaration each day. We pray that God will reignite you with Ruach Elohim this Pentecost and that many will be revived to see a spiritual awakening.

Published in Praise Reports