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Displaying items by tag: Easter messages

In their Easter messages, Justin Welby and King Charles addressed themes of hope, service, and community. Archbishop Welby, in his Easter letter, reflected on the enduring message of the scripture 'Feed my sheep' (John 21:15-17). He stressed the importance of the Church's pastoral care, despite its historical shortcomings, including conflicts and persecution. Welby's message was shaped by his experiences in conflict zones like Jerusalem, Armenia, and Ukraine, emphasising the despair and trauma faced by people there. But he highlighted the resilient hope found in Jesus Christ, the shepherd, urging Christians to avoid despair and embrace the peace and reconciliation offered by Christ. King Charles, in a recorded message for a Maundy Thursday service at Worcester Cathedral, praised those extending friendship and care, especially during times of need. He emphasised service to others, echoing his coronation vow. See

Published in British Isles