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Displaying items by tag: Dr Miro Griffiths

New assisted suicide legislation in Scotland would open a 'Pandora's Box', according to disability policy advisor Dr Miro Griffiths. He says that the proposals being brought forward by Liam McArthur MSP 'represent a dangerous idea that would see the vulnerable and marginalised in society placed at risk of irreversible harm'. Dr Griffiths spoke about his own experience of living with disabilities: ‘My strength, respiratory functioning, and swallowing will continue to deteriorate. I require a power wheelchair, 24-hour personal assistance, and various medical interventions every day. I hope readers will realise that I, and many others in my community, approach this issue in a way that others in society will not.’ Canada legalised assisted suicide and euthanasia in 2016; within five years, the law was expanded and key safeguards were removed. There has been a tenfold rise in assisted suicides since the law was changed. Dr Griffiths concluded by saying that a change in the law was simply too dangerous, especially in the context of stretched public services.

Published in British Isles